Specialists from the College of Architects and Engineers warned that the Mayan Train terminal in Playa del Carmen will alter the appearance of the city and cause road problems.
PLAYA DEL CARMEN – Authorities of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT) reversed the municipalization agreement for a section of the federal highway 307 that passes through Solidaridad and transferred all the power and jurisdiction over it, including traffic and vehicular control, from the Municipal Police to the National Guard. This decision was reached due to the work being done to prepare and construct the Mayaan Train.

According to Jorge Zavaleta Pellat, the lawyer who presented the documents, “The Police and Municipal Transit can no longer exercise surveillance and traffic powers, that is, they will no longer be able to fine those who circulate on this road is it is under the exclusive power of the National Guard.”
“That was the worst thing they could do. Once again, they are dividing Playa del Carmen in two and the City Council will no longer be able to intervene and sanction those who set up businesses in the areas along the side of the road, next to the bridges, which are federal.” he lamented.
A few days ago, the Secretary of Sustainable Municipal Land Management, David Duarte, reported on the decision of the SCT. Zavaleta Pellat warned that it will affect private properties that are built on the side of the federal highway, because the municipalization agreement enacted in 2003, is being terminated early.
The decision will prevent conflict for “right of way”
“I believe that no one in Playa del Carmen knows in detail the problem that is going to be created by the passage of the Mayan Train passing down the center of the highway and the impact it will have on the owners of the lands adjacent to the federal highway”, warned the attorney.
He explained that the “right of way” is a strip of land that will be required for the construction, conservation, expansion, protection and proper use of the route of communication. It’s width and dimensions are set by the SCT and cannot be less than 20 meters on each side of the axis of the road. This will affect the properties located along the section where the railway will pass.
Previously, specialists from the College of Architects and Engineers warned that the Mayan Train terminal in Playa del Carmen, which will be located at Calle 38, will change the appearance of the city and cause road problems. Mobility alternatives must be considered.
Source: Por Esto
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