A large fire consumes a building with scaffolding as onlookers watch and some take photos; thick smoke rises into the sky.

Inferno at Yucatan Bullring Sparks Panic

A severe fire erupted in the town of Panabá, Yucatan, swiftly consuming a bullring. The incident occurred amidst the celebrations for Saint Isidore the Laborer.

Due to the rapid nature of the event, it remains unclear whether there were any casualties or injuries. Authorities have reported that the fire broke out just as the first bullfight was commencing.

Several videos and photos of the incident have been circulated on social media, vividly depicting the massive flames engulfing the structure. There are rumors that the fire was sparked by a "volador," a firework, which quickly set the place ablaze.

The local media have reported that the bullring was crowded with spectators at the time of the incident. Official confirmation from the authorities regarding the outcome of this fire is eagerly awaited.

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