A dirt path next to a large cave entrance surrounded by trees and informational signs in a forested area

Transformation of Chemuyil’s Cenotes: A Green Success Story

In the community of Chemuyil, located in Quintana Roo within the municipality of Tulum, a volunteer initiative has resulted in an unexpected ecological and touristic triumph. The project, spearheaded by local tour operators and residents, aimed to clean up the community's cenotes, or natural sinkholes.

Alan Geovani Velázquez, a sales representative for the Bejil-Ha cooperative, shared how this initiative has not only revitalized the local landscape but also created new economic opportunities. "For over eight years, we've been committed to cleaning and maintaining these cenotes. Before our efforts, these natural landmarks were neglected and littered with plastic waste, tires, and even mattresses," he noted.

The project, which initially aimed to restore the purity of these bodies of water, has had far-reaching impacts. Velázquez explained, "These cenotes are now seen as tourist attractions, allowing locals to diversify their economic activities towards recreational tourism."

In line with their commitment to preservation, the cooperative has introduced several initiatives to promote sustainable tourism. This includes not only cleaning the cenotes but also offering bicycle rentals, guided tours, and managing the visitor capacity at each site. "The increase in tourism has allowed both existing and new businesses to flourish. Previously, tourists would see the trash and move on. Now, they come to visit these pristine locations," Velázquez emphasized.

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To ensure the long-term sustainability of the cenotes, the cooperative has implemented educational and regulatory measures. Signage in both Spanish and English is displayed, outlining the rules of behavior for visitors. This helps visitors understand how to preserve these cenotes for future generations to enjoy.

In conclusion, the cenote rescue project in Tulum demonstrates how community action can not only transform the natural environment but also create local economic opportunities. It serves as an inspiring example of promoting responsible and environmentally conscious tourism.