Two firefighters in high-visibility jackets stand amidst a burnt forest assessing the aftermath of a wildfire

Playa del Carmen Wildfires Quelled by Rainfall

Recent rainfall has temporarily halted the wildfires in the Solidaridad municipality. Jorge Alberto Vázquez Oropesa, the Secretary for Civil Protection, Risk Prevention, and Fire Department in Solidaridad, stated that approximately 34 fires have occurred this season, which is still ongoing.

"Currently, the fires are entirely under control, unlike a few days ago when we were dealing with multiple fires at once. Fortunately, the recent rains helped to douse the remaining embers," said Vázquez Oropesa.

The most severe fires have taken place in Solidaridad's rural areas, often ignited by field burning for agricultural purposes. "Penalties have been imposed, and all necessary safety precautions must be taken to prevent fires. Six cases have resulted in fines, often related to electrical inspections and permit issues," Vázquez Oropesa explained.

Contrary to previous years, less smoke has reached the urban areas of Playa del Carmen. The western part of Playa del Carmen has been primarily affected. The wildfire season typically begins in January and concludes mid-year with the onset of the first rains, marking one of the driest periods of the year.

Vázquez Oropesa urged the public to maintain road safety measures, such as refraining from discarding cigarette butts, to prevent spontaneous fires. He anticipates this wildfire season will not be as active as previous years due to the expected active hurricane season, which will bring additional rainfall to help mitigate these incidents.