Participants at a startup weekend event in Cancun with banners and laptops, engaging in collaborative work.

“54-Hour Startup Frenzy: Students Unveil 21 Innovative Projects in Cancún!”

108 ambitious students from Bachilleres I took part in the 2024 edition of Startup Weekend in Cancún, successfully developing 21 entrepreneurial projects within a span of 54 hours. The event, which saw a significant increase in participation from 60 to 108 students compared to the previous year, centered around the themes of mobility and inclusion.

The weekend was packed with activity, starting from Friday and ending on Sunday. Students presented their innovative proposals addressing inclusive education and mobility issues, the chosen themes for the year. They were guided by mentors who are experts in various fields such as marketing, graphic design, and software development.

The aim of the event was to encourage students to harness their creativity and problem-solving skills to develop projects within a tight timeframe of 54 hours…

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